Wayne Bradley & Rick Peterson
Bradley (left) and Peterson are active on GLBT religious issues.
Wayne Bradley
Bradley and his partner Rick Peterson are active on GLBT religious issues.
Greg Dell
Dell is a strong ally of the gay community, risking his job as pastor of Broadway United Methodist Church to back gay unions.
Teresa Dobbins & Barbara Hyler
Partners Hyler (left) and Dobbins are active on African American lesbian and spiritual issues.
Teresa Dobbins
Dobbins is active on a wide range of African American lesbian and spiritual issues.
Ron Helizon
Helizon has been active on gay issues since the 1960s, including as a bar owner, bar personality, and Catholic activist.
Sherri Jackson
Jackson is a minister and healthcare practitioner with a wide range of gay and AIDS organizational involvement.
Bruce Koff & Mitchell Channon
Long-time partners Koff and Channon have been active on both gay and Jewish issues for many years.
Bruce Koff
Bruce Koff, LCSW, has been a pioneering advocate for LGBT concerns in the fields of social service and mental health since 1977.
Deb Lake & Terri Pease
Lake and Pease have been partners since Oct. 10, 1998. Lake is a minister and author, Pease is a domestic violence and trauma consultant.
Deb Lake
Rev. Lake is the executive director of Sankofa Way, creating new approaches to addressing oppression.
Ifti Nasim
Nasim was born in Pakistan and has been active on gay Southeast Asian issues in Chicago.
Rick Peterson
Rick Peterson and his partner Wayne Bradley are active on GLBT religious issues.
Patrick Sinozich
Sinozich is a nationally renowned director of choral groups, including gay choruses in Chicago.
Kevin Tindell
Tindell is a change management consultant and minister. He and his partner are raising two sons. Tindell is active in Black gay and spiritual groups.
Ronald Wadley
Wadley is involved in the Same Gender Loving Ministry at Trinity United Church of Christ.

Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the City's Gay Community, the book is edited by Tracy Baim and features the contributions of more than 20 prominent historians and journalists. It is published by Surrey Books, an Agate imprint, and is hard cover, 224 pages, 4-color, with nearly 400 photos.
Click Here for more Information.
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